Aug 21, 2011

Chanel Fall 2011 - Le Crayon Yeux in #70 Khaki Platine.

Le Crayon Yeux in #70 Khaki Platine is one of the few limited edition items from Chanel's Fall 2011 look.
this fact and the hype and how much i liked Rose Platine Stylo Yeux from their previous look made me buy Khaki Platine sight unseen, which now that i've tried it, i doubt i would have done. i just imagined too much depth and effect into this eye pencil, which it lacks to deliver.
sure, it is very smooth and it glides evenly on my skin, the soft creamy texture doesn't drag my lids while it's not too soft. it has a foam rubber smudger on the end and also comes with it's own sharpener.
the pearly sandy colour with minty green tinge only remotely reminds of a khaki colour. unfortunately, how a light coloured eyeliner ends up looking on you mostly depends on your skin tone, undertone etc. and on me, Khaki Platine just looks too unimpressive. the colour is too light and greenish and too pearly to wear on the lower lashline as a glistening eyecatcher (like i have intended to). it can make me look peaky and just doesn't differ from an eyeshadow one uses to line the eye.
i will try to use it in the inner corner in a smokey eye like they have done it on the model in the advert, but all in all the Khaki Platine is my disappointment of the collection :(
this is not a long wearing formula and starts to smudge on my oily lids after about 5-6 hours.
it contains 1g and costs 20.95€ (i paid almost 17€ for it at Nägele).


worn on the lower lashline


you might remember when i showed you an eyeliner from Essence's 50's Girls Reloaded  collection that i assumed to be a possible dupe for the Khaki Platine - well, they are similar but the Essence liner is darker and more shimmery and i like it a lot better than Chanel's.

Chanel Khaki Doré - Chanel Khaki Platine - Essence Love Me Tender - Chanel Rose Platine
Chanel Khaki Doré - Chanel Khaki Platine - Essence Love Me Tender - Chanel Rose Platine
after the rub test - none of them really survived

if you want more reviews of Chanel's Fall 2011 collection, please check this post.


  1. I'm SO GLAD you posted this as I was thinking of buying it and I really know it would be a mistake now! Thankfully there are enough winners in this collection (in my opinion) to make up for it :)


  2. Ich habe Khaki Platine auch seit gestern und bin davon ebenso etwas enttäuscht. Hatte mir den Auftrag auch weicher und satter vorgestellt.

    LG Petra

  3. Finally I got the Essence one thank to your review. I'm happy, it's beautiful when you wear it :D

  4. Great post I love seeing the comparisons.

  5. Very nice! :) I think it still brightens up your eyes :)

  6. diese 20% bei nägele, gibt es die immer? vermutlich ja nicht (?) wie finde ich denn raus ob es momentan 20% gibt und wie bestelle ich dort?

  7. ich hab einfach angerufen und gefragt, ob die 20% zur zeit gelten...
    und dann per email bestellt. alle daten sind im link (siehe hauptpost zu den Chanel Fall 2011 reviews) einzusehen.


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