Aug 21, 2011

Chanel Rouge Allure Velvet.

this fall Chanel launches a new line of matte lipstick called the Rouge Allure Velvet. 8 shades will be available and i luckily could get a sample card with 4 of them to try and swatch for you.

the lipsticks will come in the regular Rouge Allure click&spring packaging and cost 29.95€ for 3.5g.

i wasn't a big fan of matte lip colours since i find especially the bolder colours can make me look quite old. the matte shades won't suit thin lips, too.
but some colours, especially a bright red benefits from a matte texture. they look more mature and "serious" than a provocative glossy bright red would do.
i think Chanel has created something really special with these. the matte texture looks warm and autumnal and is something new for these days. after the wave of the glossy sheer lipsticks a revival of velvety, mature bold colours seems quite refreshing.

i was pleasantly surprised by the texture of the Rouge Allure Velvets. they have a high pigmentation and glide very well on my lips. they feel almost weightless and not dry at all, for the sake of silicones ;) all 8 shades are non shimmery.
of course they need to be applied to a moisturised and smooth suface, i suggest to do a lip scrub before to avoid the colour collecting on chaps/dry flakes. of course you need to remove your lipbalm before applying these to get the full matte effect.
the colours don't look cakey and thick and still have a satin sheen. all shades i tried have an excellent wearing time of at least 4 hours, especially the brighter colours will seamlessly fade into an intensive stain to even elongate the look of the colour on your lips.

i bet these siliconey matte colours will be great to use on the cheeks as well, i still need to try it.

EDIT:  i added face photos so you can see how the shades look worn better.

my bare lips to compare

#32 La Ravissante

is a fresh coral shade, my favourite. a wearable fresh red. one of my favourites of the line.

#34 La Rafinée

 a MLBB colour, a mauvey rose. an easy colour but nothing special.

# 37 L'Exuberante

a beautiful striking magenta on me, a little bit too bright for my taste but the satin matte finish makes it look less funky but rather sophisticated. a fantastic colour for winter  types. i guess i need this colour.

#38 La Fascinante

a bold blood red, on my photos it's a bit too bright. in real it's more muted, i think this was the shade of the campaign. a beautiful red, feels great and wears amazingly well. makes me look a bit too mature, though, so i'll skip it.

Shiseido also does some nice matte shades, but i think these from Chanel look a lot better (some swatches here).

if you want more reviews of Chanel's Fall 2011 collection, please check this post.


  1. I LOVE that red!! Sure... I like that lipstick samples a lot, but here they never have... :(

  2. L'Exuberante!!!! <3 muss.ich.haben, wowwww!!!

    Danke für die Swatches, ich versuche mir auch diese Karte zu besorgen, damit ich testen kann, ob mir die Textur zusagt.

    Ich finde alle von dir gezeigten Farben sehr hübsch, aber L'Exuberante ganz besonders, ich stehe ja total auf kräftige Farben. Hach <3

  3. Love all the shades <3 They look gorgeous!!!!!

  4. I've been really looking forward to this post. All of these lipsticks look very beautiful, my favourite based on these photos is L'Exuberante. And it's great to hear that the texture is good as well. x

  5. La Rafinée und L'Exuberante gefallen mir sehr gut! :)

  6. Habe die Farbkarte ebenfalls ergattern können und freue mich schon die Lippenstifte zu testen - die von Shiseido sind bei mir irgendwie sehr krümelig...da bin ich aber noch nicht am Ende mit der Testerei! :D

    Einer der Chanel-Schätze wird sicher bei mir Herbstkind einziehen ♥

    Liebste Grüße


  7. L'Exuberant looks nice, at least in the pics.

  8. Oh, these look like quite nice!

  9. ich würd so gern gesichtsbilder sehen - ich glaube solchhe kräftigen lippenfarben stehen dir ausgezeichnet! inbesondere l'exuberante stell ich mir toll vor :)
    lg kaddi

  10. These look lovely on you! I can't wait to try. The nail polishes look promising too.

  11. Goodness these are beautiful!! Thank you for the great swatches, now I am excited :)

  12. Really beautiful colors and finish. Thank you.

  13. I love #34 La Rafinée such a pretty color. Where did you pick this sample product at?


  14. I think #34 La Rafinée fits you best, but #38 La Fascinante looks good as well :) makes me think of a Geisha

  15. Die Farben stehen dir alle gut und die Textur sieht sehr gut aus auf den Lippen. Ich bin noch im glossy summer feel, also mach ich erstmal nen großen Bogen um die Lippenstifte :)

  16. l'exuberante steht dir am besten. das sieht wirklich hammer aus. la ravissante find ich am ungünstigsten an dir, lässt dich etwas karottig im gesicht aussehen.
    lg kaddi

  17. The red looks phenomenal on you- definitely not too mature!

  18. I was looking on for the Shiseido foundation brush but instead just had to order L'Raffinee and L'Exuberante because you made them look so beautiful.

    Matte lippie is so fresh for winter after all the sheer and shiny ones of the past five years.

  19. Merci pour ces jolis swatchs, notamment ceux qui montrent tout le visage, c'est très intéressant !

  20. wow where do you get your lipstick sample cards?

  21. @anne: it was a gift with purchase from a purchase at a perfume store.

  22. oh :) thanks for the response. looking forward to more FOTDs ;) been trying to imitate some of your FOTD hehe :) btw, between lancome, chanel and guerlain which is more moisturising and has a good color pay off?


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