May 24, 2011

which bronzer for this summer?

this summer i'm really on a bronzer trip! i think this year i bought almost all bronzers out there - you know i never do it half ;)
but still, i find my little selection very varied. today i want to give you a short overview of this year's summer powders from the most common brands plus some permanent products for everybody who don't want to buy several products.
click on each title to get to its separate post.

i think this bronzer would be the most suitable for fair cool skin tones of this year's bronzers since it's sheerly pigmented and its colour is quite mauvey brown. it has that additional pink stripe so i can also use it as a rosey brown blusher. it can make me look a bit muddy so i have to be careful with application. it is limited edition.

is a higher pigmented powder, it's a neutral brown with yellow/ochre undertones that can be easily used as contour powder since it's matte and doesn't have too much red or pink undertones. i don't really like it as a bronzing product since it lacks the fresh kick.
i could be used also on darker skin tones to maybe MAC NC/NW 45 (?). this is a permanent product.

is a lovely golden bronze with fine shimmer that warms up my complexion and let's me look sunkissed. a great texture to apply, always looks soft and even. in combination with Hoola as contour i like to use this so soften up and bring everything together. it's not too orange but has a peachy undertone. i think it's great on fair-medium warm skin tones. it's a permanent product.

is very shimmery, so nothing to use all over or on bigger areas for me! it reminds me of MAC's MSFs, but is a lot softer and finer. it's like a golden bronze highlighting product that i like to apply very very sheerly on the top of my cheekbones. this can emphasize enlarged pores and unevenness on your skin. it would look great on the body, it emphasizes your tan. i also use it as a shimmery bronze eyeshadow. it has a divine jasmine scent. definitely only for shimmer-fans or for Guerlain-lovers (the packaging is a treasure itself!). otherwise i find it too expensive for occasional usage.

in my opinion the most beautifully pressed powder this year (although the compact is not as brilliant). a lovely subtle shimmering pinky peach shade that i exclusively use as a blush on my cheeks although it also warms up my complexion. some girls complained about it to be too powdery, but i don't have any of these issues using a soft squirrel hair brush and not swirling too much inside the pan but tapping the brush into both coloured parts (i generally don't like to swirl in my pressed powder products because they will mess up that way). it's beautiful - definitely try it if you still meet one left!

the most beautiful packaging of this year is by Dior. i love it! the powder itself is also very good, it's soft and finely milled. it's a really peachy (fortunately not orange) tan on me and freshens up my complexion. it gives me a warm luminous look, no obvious shimmer. i can use it as bronzer but also as a blush.
i think this is a great product for fair-medium warm skin tones. this is a limited product.

i swatched all of them together:

Chanel Bronze Rosé - Benefit Hoola - Edward Bess Daydream - Guerlain Terra Inca - Estée Lauder Sea Star - Dior Aurora

Chanel Bronze Rosé - Benefit Hoola - Edward Bess Daydream - Guerlain Terra Inca - Estée Lauder Sea Star - Dior Aurora
Chanel Bronze Rosé - Benefit Hoola - Edward Bess Daydream - Guerlain Terra Inca - Estée Lauder Sea Star - Dior Aurora

out of the six my top rates are:
1. Dior Aurora
2. Edward Bess Daydream
3. Estée Lauder Sea Star
(while Edward Bess combined with the Sea Star or any other peachy pink blush would be my top pick)

my tools of choice to apply bronzer:

  • the Edward Bess Luxury Face Brush is great for sheer bronzers (this will get a proper review soon).
  • the Paula Dorf Powder Brush is soo soft and fluffy and has the perfect thin paddle shape for bronzer, you can apply with the thin side on the hollows of your cheeks and with the wide side on the sides of the face. it will give a sheer wash to your face.
  • the Trish McEvoy Bronzer Brush #37 is round and tapered and also perfectly sized and shaped for bronzer, it's soft but has a lot more resistance than the Paula Dorf so it buffs out your bronzer better and is great for a more apparent bronzed look.
  • for a contour with the Benefit Hoola, you know i always use my MAC 138 or Hakuhodo S103 (not on the pic)

there are some bronzers left that i really want to try since i started to discover the perfect placement and dose for my skin tone: the Giorgio Armani Sheer Bronzer in #1, the cream bronzer by Chanel, a Terracotta Bronzer by Guerlain and a Matte Bronzer from Dior.

what about you? do you have some of these or can you recommend any else? do you use bronzer on a regular basis? for my part i usually skip it in a work make up, but if i have more time, i always like to add some dimension to my face ;)


  1. von den swatches her, wäre der dior auch mein favorit. schöne farbe!:)

  2. Great post! I love Aurora & Bronze Rose, don't like Hoola either for all over (I've learnt from my mistakes haha.) I've avoided Inca, despite the beautiful packaging. I just know we wouldn't work out in the long run.. But would love to try Edward Bess & am still pondering over Sea Star!

    Ah, I think I'm having a bit of a bronzer moment this year too!

  3. From those swatches I like the Edward Bess bronzer the best and that's not the one I own! :( I must rectify this matter now. :)

  4. Very nice collection. I like from the swatches Chanel and EL, Guerlain has the most appealing packaging.
    I have never found a bronzer which would look natural on my fair skin. Maybe I cannot apply bronzers properly or maybe I am just too pale for them. But this does not stop me buying and trying new ones over again :D

  5. mit diesem post habe ich den bronzer für mich gefunden. die farbe des seesterns ist einfach zu schön! danke dafür!
    wo hast du dein exemplar erstanden?

  6. Ich warte ja immer noch darauf,dass die Estee Lauder LE in Madrid mal ankommt. Der Sommer ist schon lange da aber die LE fehlt noch. Will mir das Puder unbedingt ansehen


  7. Oh mein Gott, du hast so viele tolle Dinge :)
    Ich wäre froh nur einen von den tollen Bronzern zu haben, dann müsste ich mich nicht entscheiden hehe
    Ich finde das Chanel am schönsten :)

  8. Oh du hast den EL Sea Star bekommen. Den wollte ich so gerne, aber es hat nicht sollen sein. Schade, der Swatch sieht (wie jeder den ich davon gesehen habe) wundervoll aus. :-(

  9. @linho: gimme five! ;) der ist auch besonders schön von der textur her.

    @25FLONDON: i also heard so many girls out there getting into bronzer just this year, i thought i was lame about that but it seems i'm not alone ;)
    and then i thought maybe it's the many great limited editions of this year but now browsing through the many looks of the past years i have to admit that there were a LOT of fantastic products (and it seems like Guerlain releases this shimmering face&body powder in the wooden special packaging every year) so i am where i was again, don't know why i didn't try the "good" bronzers earlier ;)
    but better late than never, huh?

    @hopelessly devoted to makeup: the EB has such a lovely scent to it, i also like it very much. it such an easy product! you should really try it ;)

    @yarisse: how light are you? if you feel you're too light for a bronzer and look muddy/unnatural with bronzer on, maybe you should stick to sculpting blushes to give yourself a warm glow. rosewood shades like MAC Cubic or NARS Douceur for a rosey brown sclupting if you have pink undertones in your skin or bronze/beige blushes like NARS Madly or the Cargo Beach Blushes in Sunset Beach and Miami Beach if you have rather yellow undertones would be my first recommendations.

    @strawbemmy: gerne doch! ich habe meinen seestern damals bei parfumdreams vorbestellt und ihn dann sobald er erhältlich war geliefert bekommen. woanders habe ich die kollektion aber auch noch nicht gesehen. soll sie nicht bekommen, aber auch bei müller und privaten kleinen parfümerien bin ich noch nicht darauf gestoßen.

    @bombones malos: der seestern ist echt wunderhübsch!

    @femme: ;) danke.

    @freckletone: ich frag mich auch, weshalb die kollektion nicht wirklich erhältlich ist. wie gesagt habe ich mein exemplar damals bei parfumdreams vorbestellt und dann ziemlich rasch bekommen.

  10. Thank you for your recommendations, I will definitely have a look and try them. I am around 15 in MAC shades, maybe a bit lighter. Not sure whether I have yellow or pink undertones, never managed to figure it out. I would say I have what one would call porcelain complexion (but far from being perfect).


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