Apr 26, 2011

Benefit Velvet Eyeshadow in "Where There's Smoke", bad sales associates and the ultimate battle of murky shades.

Benefit Velvet Eyeshadow in Where There's Smoke is the other shade i bought during the Glamour Shopping Week (about 2 weeks ago now). click here to read the review of Benefit Velvet Eyeshadow in Fawn Over Me.

they gave away a Bad Gal mascara sample as GWP, and you could get a "professional" make over and make up lesson worth 40€ for free. but on the day i went there, the girl "forced" me to try on a lipgloss (although i asked for another shade that they discontinued), then i asked her if this counter would get a brow bar in the near future (no they won't) and she told me that my brows are too short, especially on the right side - i know, i'm on the way to grow them a bit wider, but i just don't like the look of drawn on brows that much, so i keep the drawing at bay - and she took her great brow pencil (which has a good ashy colour, i have to admit.) and drew on 2 thin intense lines on my right brow!!!!!!!! one on the beginning of the brow, one on the end!!!!!
and that pencil was so soft and intense, you could clearly see those weird lines on one single brow only, i looked like a crazy lady with that frosty lipgloss and one weird brow. omg i didn't know if i should laugh or just kill her with a look. and then she said: looks much better, don't you see? she was finished! now brushing out, no evening out, two lines and finito.
i snatched the brow pencil out of her hand, and also figured to get a brow spooley and tried to rescue what's left. sure i refused that make up lesson-offering.

back to the topic:
the Velvet Eyeshadows contain 3g and cost 19€.
they come in nice and sturdy acrylic packagings with loving doves printed on the lid.

Where There's Smoke is a muddy pewter/taupe/whatever colour with tiny multicolour shimmer in it. in the shadow, it almost appears as a satin finish, only in sunlight or strong artificial light you can see the shimmers. that's my only criticism with this shadow, i like such shades to be shimmery (i know, i already have so many of such, and a satiny shade would be a better extension to my stash, but i can't help :P).
the texture is very smooth and fine, it applies even and pigmented and blends out well. i like to use it on the outer corner for a soft smokey look. i don't have any problems with its lasting power.
the Velvet Eyeshadows are colour coordinated with Benefit's Creaseless Cream Eyeshadows, this particular one goes with the CCS in Skinny Jeans.
this shade is often compared with MAC Smoke&Diamond, but i find them to be totally different and can easily justify owning both ;) but for this shade, i still prefer the cream shadow version.

Benefit Velvet Eyeshadow in Where There's Smoke in the shadow & in sunlight

Benefit Creaseless Cream Shadow in Skinny Jeans - Benefit Velvet Eyeshadow in Where There's Smoke
Benefit Creaseless Cream Shadow in Skinny Jeans - Benefit Velvet Eyeshadow in Where There's Smoke
this is how it looks applied: (notice the too short brow ;) )
Benefit Fawn over me on the inner half and lower lashline, Benefit Where There's Smoke on the outer parts

MAC Smoke&Diamonds - Benefit Skinny Jeans - Benefit Where There's Smoke - Lancôme Erika F.
MAC Smoke&Diamonds - Benefit Skinny Jeans - Benefit Where There's Smoke - Lancôme Erika F.

EDIT: in the end, i find it looks better in the pan than applied, but applied it looks better than swatched. and i forgot to swatch TheBalm All About Alex next to these, also an Essence shadow could look similar. i will update this post tomorrow with those comparisons.
out of these four, i like MAC Smoke&Diamonds best, it has some peachy shimmers in it that makes it more complex than the other shades. next would be Erika F., this has beautiful crystal sparkles and looks great in an evening-smokey eye.

what about you? do you like such shades? do you have such bad experiences at cosmetic counters?

UPDATE: more comparisons.

Guerlain Havana - Benefit Where There's Smoke - The Balm All About Alex - Essence Back To Khaki
Guerlain Havana - Benefit Where There's Smoke - The Balm All About Alex - Essence Back To Khaki


  1. I saw this one too some time ago and I almost bought it myself. Really pretty and now I think I'll check for it next month again. :)

  2. Ist das die 'zu kurze' Augenbraue auf dem Bild?
    wenn ja, sieht es jedenfalls nicht so aus ;)
    Liebe Grüße

  3. Ich finde, All About Alex von The Balm sieht im Döschen auch so aus. :)

  4. @naddy: i hope you'll like it!

    @femme: ja das ist sie ;) leider habe ich kein beweismaterial, das war mir dann doch zu peinlich.

    @buntewollsocke: stimmt! den hab ich ganz vergessen, ich könnt' ihn morgen nochmal danebenswatchen.

  5. Danke für die tollen Vergleiche! Ich habe Skinny Jeans schon und kann mir dann den Lidschatten Where There`s Schmoke verkneifen. :-)

    LG Meilu

  6. welchen liner benutzt du?

    ich habe ca die gleiche Augenform wie du, bekomme aber kein gutes AMU hin :(

  7. hi, ich habe alle benutzten produkte hier: http://delicatehummingbird.blogspot.com/2011/04/fotd-with-benefit-velvet-eyeshadows.html
    aufgeführt. an dem tag war es der superliner von l'oreal.

  8. Oh weh! Solche Farben kriegen mich immer wieder! Sehr schön ;)

  9. an den parfümerie-countern werden nur allzu oft junge, unwissende mädels verheizt. habe auch schon ganz ähnliche erfahrungen gemacht, allerdings waren die benefitinen wenigstens immer nett. meine schlimmsten erlebnisse hatte ich bisher bei mac, insbesondere im pro store. die visagisten waren nur frech, schnippisch, unmöglich geschminkt, oder völlig ahnungslos. jetzt hab ich eigentlich gar keine lust mehr auf diese firma und werd mich erstmal bei anderen firmen umgucken. gute erfahrungen hab ich dagegen mit becca, illamasqua und burberry gemacht.
    lg kaddi

  10. In my opinion, the behaviour of this SA was not only unprofessional, but quite rude. Even if it was true, she should have never point out your imperfection like this. Saying "Unfortunatelly not, but I can gladly show you some tricks, if you'd like to." after you asked about the brow bar would have been way better.

  11. Today, i just buy an eyeshadow from Essence, it's called Taupe of the tops and it looks almost like this too!

  12. The sludgy color looks gorgeous on your eyes. I agree with you, Skinny Jeans is a bit nicer, but that tapuey/pewter/moss color is very pretty on you.

  13. @valerie: ich auch, wie du sehen kannst ;)

    @kaddi: ich hatte auch schwer das gefühl gehabt, als sei ich zum übungsobjekt einer neuen und eher unwissenden mitarbeiterin geworden. sie sah auch eher unvorteilhaft geschminkt aus. aber die counter-älteren kolleginnen hätten ihr mehr zur seite stehen müssen (in dem fall um den kunden zu schützen haha).
    bei überheblichen mac-sa's handhabe ich es aber spiegelnd und bin dann die arrogante, schwer zu befriedigende kundin, die auch noch viele ansprüche hat und die mitarbeiter durch den laden scheucht, um sich tester, originalware, tester-stäbchen, taschentücher, spiegel, etc pp holen zu lassen. wenn ich ganz böse bin kaufe ich dann auch nichts und geh nach hause um mir die sachen bei douglas mit 5€-gutschein zu bestellen.
    so habe ich bisher auch jede arrogante verkäuferin klein gekriegt bzw. in den wahnsinn getrieben. gottseidank ist es aber eher der ausnahmefall.

  14. @yarisse: yes, i was so baffled and didn't even say anything. just snatched my things and got out as quickly as possible ;)

    @makeupbyaurelle: i also have essence's taupe of the pops, but think it's more goldish than where there's smoke. i thought essence back to khaki would be more similar, but as you can see on the updated swatches, it's too metallic.

    @zuzu's petals: thank you!!


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