Apr 26, 2011

Helena Rubinstein lipstick in 09 Fetish Rose

this is a miniature lipstick that is given away in a Helena Rubinstein GWP on douglas.de with the code HRM456 on orders 39€+. the other item in this set is a sample size (50ml) of HR All Mascaras! Eye Make Up Remover (the original size of 125ml would cost 31.95€!).

the lipstick is from the Wanted Rouge line in the shade 09 Fetish Rose. i can't seem to find it on the online shop, also the shade range from all the other HR lipsticks seem very limited or sold out without re-stocking. maybe there will be some new launches coming soon?
the mini lipstick comes in a small plastic tube with a cool bronze metallic look. it's half as big as a regular lipstick. it's really nicely made! my first of this kind.

the lipstick itself has a fresh green tea scent, i love such scents. the colour is a rose pink with lots of pink and white microshimmers. it has a frost finish, and i don't like frost finishes at all. it soo reminds me of the early 90ies :/
it applies evenly and coats my lips very well, too well infact, because the frosty look coating every line of my lips making them look dry and wizened. if i only look at the lips, it's quite captivating because it looks so dimensional and deep... but in whole-face-look it's just uaaargh... you see i'm not a fan of such frost lippies at all. that's also why i always have skipped those popular Lipgelees and Dazzle-Lipsticks by MAC. they looks so unflattering.
it's feels a bit waxy but not drying, and lasts about 3-4 hours on me. it's a bit more acceptable finish-wise, if i top it with a gloss.
it's great that high end brands do such cute and generous samples, but do they have to be such grandma shades?


  1. I love the eye-makeup-remover from rubinstein. Using it every day! What do you think about it?

    http://my-own-memento.blogspot.com/2011/04/giveaway-gewinnspiel-111-posts-11-leser.html (would you like to win something???)

  2. Haha :) 'Grandma shade' ;) Wie cool ist das denn? Aber du hast schon Recht, die hätten was Hübscheres hineintun können!
    Liebe Grüße

  3. No love here for frost finishes either.Urgh.
    I have some lipsticks that are a bit shimmery and that I find nice sometimes, it does have a pretty effect in a certain way afterall, espeacially when just looking at the lips, but really frosty or even metallic lipsticks.. get thee hence, satan!

  4. Die Farbe ist wunderschön, aufgetragen sieht er so viel besser aus.

  5. @onemoment: i haven't used the make up remover yet, but already have 4 or 5 mini bottles of it here from my latest orders. it's great to hear that this is a good one!

    @femme&2espresso: dito!

    @graphology: der "nur-lippen-blick" ist sehr erträglich, aber im gesamten sieht es einfach aufgesetzt und komisch aus, finde ich.

  6. Hallo, hättest du nicht mal Lust die HR Foundations zu testen und vorzustellen? Die sind doch wirklich super. Wäre interessant von dir mal ein Vergleich HR zu den anderen Marken zu haben. LG

  7. @aletris: ich habe bis jetzt noch keine foundations von HR. ehrlich gesagt haben die mich nie richtig angesprochen, da wurde in den letzten ein zwei jahren einfach nicht genug neuerungen eingeführt und die werbetrommel gerührt. mal sehen was die zukunft so bringt ;)


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