Apr 27, 2011

MAC brushes.

since my NARS Blush series has ended now, i'm going to start a new one with MAC brushes. i think those will make nice short posts to fill in gaps.

i started to "collect" MAC brushes more than 2 years ago, back then i only knew of the drugstore, Zoeva, Coastal Scents and Sigma brushes in the "affordable sector" and was blind for anything than MAC brushes in the "luxury sector". of course i thought MAC would satisfy me ever after and their quality is the highest out there (when even professionals use them?).
now i'm a bit wiser, tried more brands, and also found better alternatives.
MAC does a big variety of brushes and their range is most established among beauty-lovers. they are sturdy and well made, the quality is consistent, but  i think most of the brushes by MAC are very overpriced, especially in germany (we pay about 20% more than in france, for example).
with their discount for professional make up artists i think they are better and more placed on that field. they are no luxury goods to me anymore, they are functional but not pampering.
partially i kind of regret having bought so many of them, even though most of them i didn't pay the full price, so i want to introduce to you each to show you their pros and cons. they are a good "common" measure point. still my brush collection is about 30-40% MAC.

oops, i hope i didn't turn you off of my series beforehand, but the negative things have to be said.
we'll start with face brushes soon.

p.s.: and if you want some brush care tips, take a look here.


  1. Looking forward to your reviews!
    My only Mac brush is the 224, that I bought in dutyfree in London (for 14GBP, not the regular 33€ like in Germany) and Mac left a great impression on me with that one. (But) My big collection is a very colorful mix of rather low end online brands' brushes.
    I still have the 219 and especially the 217 on my wishlist, but because of the price they have been there for a long long time, and I would be quite frustrated if they don't turn out awesome.. which is why I really appreciate all kinds of reviews & comparisons.

  2. Ich gönne mir ab und zu mal einen MAC Pinsel, wenn ich wirklich genau die eine Form will und sie sonst nirgends finde. Aber ich denke auch, dass es ein besseres Preis/Leistungs Verhältnis gibt bei anderen Marken.

  3. ich würd mich ja sehr über einen vergleich von verschiedenen contouring brushes aller marken, die du so hast freuen (falls du so was besitzt?) Ich bin nämlich gerade auf der suche...
    viele liebe Grüße

  4. I own 5 MAC Brushes until now and I would say that they are doing their work kinda well, but some brushes are really too expensive.
    As you said they are less pricy in France and so since I'm there from time to time I bought 3/5 there to save at least some money.

    How come your brushes are pink (?) and not black at the end?

    Looking forward for sure to read about your experience :)

  5. thank you all for the positive feedback, i'm afraid that i will have to delay the series for some days since my brush orders came in recently and i will give those the primacy ;) but don't worry, the mac brushes won't run away!

  6. I have one MAC brush, the 187. I have a huge love-hate relationship with it. I love how it applies but it prickles at my face sometimes. I wonder if mine was just a fluke bad one? Can't wait to read your series!


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