Apr 23, 2012

I'm back! ... kind of ...

Hi everybody!
Feels so strange to type something on the blogger editor again...
I hope everybody has done well. I'm so thankful and am absolutely blown away by your support! I can't even believe that this blog still gets regular visits and new readers after all this time.
My hiatus ended up being over 3 months, I guess that's quite an era in the blogosphere.
As I have told you in my last posting, I lost interest in make up and making up sometime by the end of last year, which was partly the reason for me wanting a break. I think my product turn-over was much too fast so I couldn't even find some time to enjoy them.
Other than that I went through a very hard time emotionally because obstacles occured in my family which lead me having to shoulder responsibilities that I never had before (not the divorce kind of problems), I also needed to delay my final exams for one semester. At this time most dark clouds have gone away and I can see the day again.

Make-up-wise I went through some phases to get back to my blogger mojo in the last months, I had a month or so when I didn't even buy one thing make-up-related (which is most uncommon for me ;)) parallel to a (fruitless) period of "using up/sort of project 10 pan" - until I realized that it's just pointless for me to dictate myself to use up products I don't absolutely love while the money is already spent and the damage is already done and the nicer products are waiting in the drawers.
Well, after that I went through a serious skin care phase, Japanese and Korean skin care, that is. Succeeding it with a nice skin, I proceeded into a Korean make up phase with a new favourite: the ulzzang no-make-up-make-up. This closed the cycle and sparked my love for make up again, and I went back to be the make-up-aficionado I formerly was. I watched amazing videos and read super inspiring blogs, I played with lovely products, tried different techniques and enjoyed it so so much! Sometimes playing with make up is much more fun and relaxing if you're just doing it for yourself, without the "blogger-thought" of how a certain product would work on others etc.
Many many times I wanted to come back to rave about a recent find, share a special tip or trick, but by that time I already was wholly consumed by the preparations for the final exams again.
So last week the first, written, part of it finally ended (for me the hardest part due to the many times irrelevant contents and tricky questions) - and it went well. I still have to face the oral examinations by the begin of June, but I am quite relaxed and I trust my abilities as a physician.
But still, I have to revise a lot, so I'm just ...kinda...-back. But I'm too enthusiastic to stay away any longer, too ;)
Please await a GINORMOUS haul very soon. I have got a LOT of ... everything. Legit.
The beforementioned topics will be covered soon when time comes.
For now, it's just a not-so-quick "Hello!" and a big "Thank you!".

Take care!


  1. so great to have you back! I really enjoyed every post you did. can't wait for your new hauls and your thoughts. I hope your family situation will be better soon and you will have a phase in your life where you just can relax (after your finals I guess, since finals are very stressful). take care love and glad you are back again <3

  2. I hope, you´ll stay here forever! You´re my favourite blogger! :)

  3. Ich hab dich schon vermisst. Schön dass du wieder da bist :)

  4. Welcome back :) Dann bin ich mal gespannt was so kommen wird in nächster Zeit :)

  5. I'm so happy you're back! I loved reading your posts, so I'll be patiently waiting for new ones. :)

  6. It's great to have you back. Post in your own time.

  7. So glad you´re back. I really missed hearing from you. <3

  8. I'm so happy you're back!!!
    You are my favorite blogger!!!
    Kisses from Greece xxx

  9. i'm so glad to hear that you will come back soon!

  10. oh really happy to have you back!! been checking your blog almost everyday the past MIA months.. welcome back!


  11. Welcome back!! Can't wait to read your posts. Heh Suqqu reviews? :D

  12. schön endlich wieder was von dir zu hören :) doppelt so schön, dass es dir auch seelisch grad wieder besser geht und die "bright days" wieder kommen! auf dass sie weiterhin kommen und bleiben! LG Camikatze

  13. Glad you're back! <3
    Hope everything turned out well in your private life!

  14. Glad that you are back! <3
    Hope everything turned out well in your private life!

  15. Ich freu mich so sehr dass du wieder bloggst, ich war häufiger hier weil deine Übersichtspost und Produktvorstellungen einfach super hilfreich und zuverlässig sind und jedes Mal habe ich ein Tränchen verdrückt, dass es keine aktuellen Beiträge gibt. Freude!

  16. So toll,dass Du wieder da bist :)
    Freue mich sehr :)
    Liebste grüße

  17. Welcome back! :)
    I can't wait to see what you have in store. I've been checking your blog out of habit, and I was so glad to see a new post.

  18. Great to see you blogging again! =D

  19. Fianlly! :) Welcome back, I've missed you and your posts :) xxx

  20. ich freu mich sehr, dass es dir gut geht und du -auch wenn nur "kind of"- zurück bist ^^ du wirst in der Bloggerwelt sehr vermisst, Keto <3 Liebe Grüße, Suki

  21. Yay! I'm so happy you're back! I've often checked back during your hiatus to see if you posted anything. I've gone through phases of losing interest in blogging too. It's normal. It's a lot of work, and it takes a lot of time. Try not to feel pressured because we all understand that your blog is not your job, it's a hobby and you have more going on in your life other than makeup. I can't wait for your haul though!! I've missed your posts so much!

  22. I follow you since a few weeks and im happy that you're back! I like to read yah blog ;)

  23. Super schön, dass du wieder da bist! Ich wünsche dir alles Gute in deinem Leben und freue mich wieder von dir zu lesen. ^^

  24. So thrilled to have you back! I was just thinking about how I truly missed your posts only yesterday :)

    ♥ Jessica

  25. Love that you are back! Welcome back!!

  26. Welcome back love! Your were sorely missed!

  27. hi! hi! glad to hear you are healthy and happy. cant wait to see you pop up on my feed again :)

  28. Welcome back! I was surprised and happy to see your new post in my Google Reader :)

  29. Yay glad you're back! I missed your posts a lot! Sometimes bloggers need a bit of down time to savor reality before diving head first into reviews, swatches, and comparisons again :)

  30. I'm so glad you are back to blogging! I would check your blog everyday to see if you were back. Also, I'm also happy to hear that the gloomier days are past. I cannot wait for your post about your ginormous haul. :)

  31. Schön, dass du wieder da bist!
    Die Farbe von Rouge und Schal steht dir ganz wunderbar. Solltest du dich vielleicht öfter mal ranwagen. Sonst hast du ja doch eher eine gold-braun-Schwäche;)
    Kg, Viola

  32. i missed your posts! hope you are really back to us :)

  33. You're looking fresh as a daisy:))
    I'd seen you leaving comments on other makeup blogs now and again so I knew you hadn't lost complete interest.
    I'm soooooooooo happy to hear that you'll be back but please concentrate on those orals exams first!! We can wait.

  34. You are still my favorite blog :) Hope everything is ok with you :)

  35. You are still my favorite blog :) Hope everything is ok

  36. Nice to see you back and better!

    I hate P10P too, it's just pointless to make yourself use the same thing every day when you own so much :)

  37. Yay...!! you are back. So happy for you that thhings are taking a positive turn.

  38. Schön, dass du wieder ein bisschen mehr bloggen möchtest. Freu mich schon.

  39. Great you're back!!!! Re-Welcome! :D
    Very good luck with all your exams and thank you for comming back again :D

  40. Yeah! You're back! So happy...
    I was always going back to your blog to re-read some of your amazing posts when I wanted to decide on a purchase. (Your blog is kind of my "beauty-encyclopedia"...)
    In the last weeks I was seeing your comments on several blogs (stalker-alert!) and was hoping that maybe you were slowly coming back. I'm really excited for your upcoming posts. It sound so interesting already!
    Wishing you all the best!

  41. Welcome back! :D I think most of us can identify with feeling 'blah' about this hobby at times but I'm so excited to read your upcoming posts

  42. Welcome back! I am so happy to hear that things are becoming more positive for you. I wish you continued success and please know that no matter what life throws at you and how your life will change we will always be here when you need us. (((hugs)))

  43. Have been eagerly awaiting your return, and am so glad you have your mojo back :) xx We missed you

  44. welcome back!!! missed the posts.... oh- can you do a tute on the ulzzang no makeup makeup- those girls look amazing!!!

  45. So happy you are back - missed you postings after all :)
    Take care for yourself!

  46. Schön, dass du wieder da bist! :)

  47. Great to see you again :) I'm looking forward to your new posts!

  48. welcome back!!i m looking forward to your haul post!!

  49. hey, all the best for your exams!!

  50. Welcome back! Ich freue mich, dass du wieder da bist. :)

  51. I'm so glad that you're back. Good luck on your exams and life!

    1. Welcome back! Good luck with your exams! I hope you can do a tutorial for this look at some point <3

  52. Wie schön, dass Du wieder da bist. Ich habe Dich und Deinen Blog vermisst :)
    Viel Erfolg für die restlichen Prüfungen und viel Spaß beim Bloggen!

  53. Auch von mir ein herzliches "welcome back"!! Schön zu hören, dass das Schriftliche so gut lief. Und viel Kraft und Energie wünsche ich dir für deine momentane Lebenssituation.

    Wie schön, dass du den Spaß am Bloggen wiedergefunden hast, wir freuen uns hier alle so, wieder von dir zu hören!!!

  54. Hallo :)
    Habe während deiner Pause deinen Blog entdeckt und freu' mich auf die neuen Sachen :)

    Liebe Grüße, Missy

  55. Welcome back! Been visiting your blog every now and then during your break for your blush swatches hihi <3

  56. Can't wait for your product reviews.

  57. Thanks so much for your warm welcome, each one of you! God, I'm so overwhelmed!

  58. Welcome back hun!!!! waiting for thar no makeup-makeup ulzzang look :)

  59. So glad you are back, missed reading you .

  60. Welcome back! I'm glad you had a hiatus and sorry to hear about the family stress. :) Really missed your reviews.

  61. So happy you are back !

    A French fan of you ! <3

  62. Hi

    schön, dass du wieder da bist. Habe mind. 1 Mal die Woche geschaut, ob es von dir etwas Neues gab.

    Diese Phase hat jeder einmal Im moment sind viele bzw. waren viele bekannte Blogs down, weil jeder mal eine Auszeit braucht.
    Bei mir ist es auch ruhig im Moment aber ich kaufe massenweise Make Up im Moment und bin auf der Jagd nach speziellen ,raren Dingen


  63. huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ...freu mich

  64. Welcome back!! I came upon your post just after you had went on hiatus, and STILL I found so much to look through in past posts. I'm so happy you're - kinda - back :) I can't wait to see what you have in store!

  65. Glad to see that you're back:) missed reading your posts! Take care:)

  66. Welcome back. Miss your posts. Can't wait to see more of your posts! :D

  67. You're back - - YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  68. mach dir mal um die mündliche prüfung keine sorgen. das ist im endeffekt in den allermeisten fällen mehr eine showveranstaltung. da fällt kein mensch mehr durch des es bis dahin geschafft hat :-) alles gute! die zeit zwischen schriftlich und mündlich war für mich die schlimmste, weil einfach die luft raus ist. aber wenn der letzte schritt dann auch noch getan ist fühlt man sich so richtig befreit :-)

    1. DANKE für das Mutmachen! Ich seh' es auch so - da müsste man schon katastrophales von sich geben um durchzufallen. ich sehne es auch SO sehr herbei - vor allem weil ich einen der sehr späten termine habe während die kommilitonen jetzt alle nacheinander "Lasst mich Arzt - Ich bin durch!!!" schreien dürfen ;)

    2. mir ging das ähnlich. vor allem weil noch ein weiteres familienmitglied + mein freund mit mir examen gemacht haben und beide vor mir dran waren... zwar nur 2 bzw 1 woche aber DIESE zeit war dann echt die allerschlimmste ;-))
      ne gute freundin von mir hatte dafür erst 4 wochen nach mir d.h. sie hat noch lernen müssen, während wir anderen längst irgendwo am strand lagen. das hätte ich glaub ich nicht durchgehalten :D
      das tolle am examen im frühling ist doch, dass man dann den ganzen sommer noch vor sich hat! ich hoffe du musst dann nicht gleich anfangen zu arbeiten. ich hätte im nachhinein sehr gerne noch länger pause gemacht vor der 1. stelle

  69. Yes! One of my favourite beauty bloggers is back! I can't wait to hear about your new-found Japanese/Korean skincare regimen and the no-makeup makeup! Please do an update and a makeup tutorial!


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