Jun 22, 2012

back and fresh!

hi again everybody!
i went MIA again - oops ^^
it's been over 2 weeks that i successfully graduated from med school with my final oral exams, i was enjoying my free time, doing some paperwork, taking advices and thinking about my professional future. i still can't fully believe that all the pressure is fallen off from me now. i'm so happy that the "big one", which i've been anxiously anticipating for all the years is finally, finally over and done. going into the exam as frightened students but parting 3 days later shaking hands with colleagues - the feeling was so uplifting and unreal, i was crying tears of joy.
it were long, sometimes quite stressful years of uni but now looking back, i really loved to be a student. to have the possibility to learn and ask questions every day, without serious consequences, to share the stress and have a great time with who initially only were fellow students but then became such great friends - i'm sad that we won't get to see each other regularly anymore. but at the same time i feel extremely free and excited, i could do everything i want now, all opportunities are waiting for me. will do a parachute or bungee jump to mark and remember this phase of my life - i've already received a gift certificate for it ;)
i am aware that being a physician in germany is not the most fulfilling profession - undoubtedly not relaxed at all, plus the working environment is quite a dog-eat-dog-society, but it's what i've been working towards and still a lot better than unpaid internships or crappy student jobs. my dissertation also needs to be finished, but in the mean time, i am très sans-souci and just want to go back to my blog and savour my passion for makeup.

beauty- and makeup-wise i have been literally abusing my body in the pre-exam phase and my skin thanks me for each sleepless night i've been studying through and each unhealthy meal i had *cough*instant-ramen*cough* with a big, fat pimple now. i'm currently trying to make up for it, eating healthy, working out regularly and sleeping all the day - if i'm not raising glasses with friends&family, enjoying to spend quality time with my short one (my poor cutie-pie was suffering the second-most when i was intensely studying), watching silly k-dramas or - of course - soccer.
the positve emotions of my graduation also translate to my make up mood - i feel like i own everything i always wished for and only have some little things left on my wish-list. at the moment, i am extremely happy and satisfied with my makeup collection (mostly due to my recent big acquisition of Chikuhodo brushes as a graduation-gift to myself ;D).

thank you all for sticking with me, i don't know what the future will bring for Delicate Hummingbird. and i don't know if or how i'll remain a blogger now that the "real life" is unfolding, but until then i want to make the best out of it, share tons of reviews, tips and ideas and just have a good time.


  1. Super! Herzlichen Glückwunsch!

    Schön, dass du dich jetzt entspannen kannst. Genieß es :-)

  2. CONGRATULATIONS~~~~!!!! :) I feel you. I really do. Next year this time, I will have graduated too. But my housemate has already graduated since he didn't take a year out to do a research degree...and he is already living the life of a junior doctor (10-15 min lunch break at like...3 or 4pm, if he gets lunch that is), being super busy all day, and then coming home at 6 or 7pm and passing out for a few hours. I hope your junior years won't be quite like ours...but all the luck for hte future!!

    1. thanks Jian! i hope my job will not be as stressful as your housemate's! i wish you a successful and fun last year of studying!

  3. OMG congratulations on your graduation!!! I think now I may call you ; Frau Ärztin ! ;)

  4. Congratulations! That's such an incredible accomplishment! I'm really happy for you, and very excited to see you blogging more. =]

    1. hi Rachel, thank you for the congrats, i hope i can keep up with blogging in the future! at least one needs a refuge from the job-stress, right?

  5. Herzlichen Gückwunsch!!!! Genieß die freie Zeit, die du jetzt hast! ^^

  6. Auch von mir Glückwünsche, ich hoffe deine Zukunft wird hell und warm und wie du sie dir wünschst. Ich würde mich freuen wenn du weiter bloggst, aber gerade als Ärztin ist das wahrscheinlich schwierig!

    1. Dank dir, Schminknerd. Ich hoffe auch, weiterbloggen zu können, wenn es auch nur hin und wieder ist - denn man braucht schließlich 'ne kleine abwechslung zum jobstress!

  7. congratulations on graduation!!!!!

  8. Contratulations Doctor Keto!! I'm very happy for you. Enjoy it!!

  9. Glad that you are back :) CONGRATULATIONSSSS on your graduation!

    I understand you're soooooooo happy :)

    1. Papish, thank you! yes, indeed, i'm super happy atm!

  11. Congratulations. I wish you the very best in the future. <3

  12. Congratulations! I'm really happy for you! I know what it must feel like, I still have two years of med school ahead of me and I am studying for my big exam on tuesday...I can't wait for it all to be over, on the other hand I want to remain the carefree student that I am now, without lots of responsibility that the job comes with...Enjoy your free time!

    1. thank you! i wish you lots of success future colleague!

  13. congratulations! I'm still in undergrad, but I do know someone who is just starting their med-school journey. It must be a relief to be finished!

  14. Herzlichen Glückwunsch!
    Beautiful post and I hope you enjoy your brushes! <3

    1. haha, thank you Kate! now i have lot's of time to pet my brushes ;)

  15. Congratulations! I hope you find a job, that fits you and your life!
    LG, Susanne

  16. congratulations, doc! so proud of you :)

  17. welcome back and congrats!!!

  18. congratulations!
    by the way, where did you buy the chikuhodo brushes?

    1. Sorry...just butting in here, but try 'now eproject'. I have ordered from them mutliple times and they are super relaible. One of my three orders landed in customs & took a bit longer plus cost a bit more, but that's the way it goes I'm afraid:(. It was still cheaper than ordering from the only shop I know of who supplies Chikihodo here in Europe - Kohlindo - in Sweden. Now eproject even helped me get brushes which weren't listed on their site which I thought was REALLY good service!
      I'm also really interested in where Delicate Hummingbird got hers though.

    2. thank you, do you know how much are the shipping costs ?

    3. thank you!

      thanks Buggsiebee for the eproject-tip! i ordered mine from sweden, Kohlindo. so i don't have to fear the customs limit since i ordered a lot!

    4. Shipping cost with now eproject was $20,- for tracked express delivery.
      I had to pay the customs fee and tax on my last order, but the first two slipped through nicely:))

  19. HOORAY for our Delicate Hummingbird:)) Congratulations!
    If you are even half as thorough with your patients as you are in the research of your Blog posts you will make a truly EXCELLENT doc!!
    Enjoy the time-out with your little man before life takes you on its roller- coaster ride again.
    Soooooo glad you got the Chikuhodos!

    1. oh thanks so much, Buggsiebee! i hope to be a good physician!

  20. Auch von mir herzlichen Glückwunsch! Ich studier auch Medizin und bin ganz froh, noch dem Studentenleben zu fröhnen (ich hab noch gut 1 1/2 Jahre ;)Weißt du schon in welche Fachrichtung du möchtest?
    Ich würde mich freuen, wenn du weiterhin blogst aber kann auch verstehen, dass das ziemlich schwierig wird, wenn das "richtige Erwachsenenleben" losgeht ;)
    Liebe Grüße

    1. Danke Frau Kollegin! Ich möchte es gerne in der HNO probieren, gefällt mir sehr wegen der Vielseitigkeit - Patienten vom Kind bis zum Greis und die sehr unterschiedlichen Krankheitsbilder. Natürlich auch die Option noch zu operieren selbst wenn man sich niedergelassen hat.
      Ich hoffe, dass ich noch weitermachen kann, Beauty und Blog als spaßig-irrelevante Zuflucht und Abwechslung vom Ernst des Berufs. Genieß' das Studentenleben, ich wünsche dir noch eine schöne Zeit und viel Erfolg! Weißt du schon, was du später machen willst?


    2. Oh du hast sogar geantwortet! (undzwar allen Kommentaren, Respekt ;)
      Ich kenne nicht viele die HNO machen wollen, aber ich finde auch, dass das Fach recht übersichtlich (im positiven Sinne) und vor allem vielseitig ist. Ich wünsch dir schonmal vie Glück für deinen Start in's Berufsleben.

      Ich schwanke im Moment zwischen der Radiologie, Neurologie und Dermatologie. Ich weiß auch gar nicht, wie ich mich entscheiden soll, da ich an allen drei Sachen recht interessiert bin. Ich hoffe, das ergibt sich noch irgendwie. Ich muss mir auch bald mein Wahlfach für'S PJ überlgen...ahhh ich bin entscheidungstechnisch definitv überfordert

    3. fast, aber das habe ich grad' nachgeholt ;) da ich sowieso schon nur noch so sporadisch blogge, möchte ich mich zumindest in den comments bei den lesern melden.
      ich finde auch, dass hno ein oft unterschätztes und wenig beachtetes fach ist (aber umso besser, da krieg' ich noch eher meine wunschstelle ;P)
      derma ist ein sehr schönes fach, besonders als frau hat man es da noch leichter als in anderen fachgebieten. traurig aber leider wahr. radio wäre nichts für mich, ich schlaf ja schon beim tumor-board ein haha
      und vor neuro habe ich einen riesen-respekt. ich wünsch' dir ein tolles pj!

  21. Congrats Dr. Ketoglutarat!
    Which specialty are you going into?
    Hope to see continued blog posts from you, but being a fellow physician I understand the time constraints. :)

    1. Hi Michelle! Thank you for your congratulation. It's great to meet so many colleagues on here ;)
      I hope to specialise on ENT, i like the diversity it brings.

  22. Congratulations! I'm also happy to see you are back, I can't wait to read your new reviews.

  23. A sincere congratulations to you! It sounds like you've worked incredibly hard for this, so you deserve all the happiness and success in the world!

    As far as blogging, I really hope you continue to do so--even if it's few and far between. I have always enjoyed reading your blog and getting inspiration from your purchases, so I'd be incredibly sad if you left!

    1. thank you so much Becca! that's so sweet of you! i hope i can continue blogging and i'm happy that you want to keep me ;)

  24. Congratulations Delicate Hummingbird,
    I've never commented on your blog before, but I thought this would be the best time to do so, I admire your dedication. May you be blessed in all that you accomplish and in your journey's along the way.

    1. sorry for the super belated response, but thank you so much for your nice words.


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