Nov 13, 2011

my first attempt on "nail-art": cute owls!

i'm not a nail art fan at all - but this mani is much tooo cute to pass up on it, huh?
lovely little owls that look extra whacky and funny thanks to my non-existent nail art skills hehe.
my niece came over to visit us yesterday and when she saw a tab i still had open on my browser, we both decided that it's so cute and funny that i had to do it on her nails - why having so many nail polish colours if not to do something so funny from time to time? the result was so lovely, perfectly cute and adequate for a young teen like her. of course photos needed to be taken for her facebook, so i also have something to showcase on here ;)
here you can see the brilliant inspiration that i recently found: Let them have Polish!
it's quite easy and so worth a try! of course the larger and longer the nail, the more space for your work, and my niece had pretty tiny nails, but it worked really fine.
this is what i used:

  • different nail polish pairs, a bright for the owl's body and a light for it's belly.
  • orange polish for the little beak
  • yellow polish for its eyeballs
  • black polish for its pupils
  • toothpicks for the fine work
  • little self adhesive strengtheners for paper holes to get the top curve more easily (can be found at office supply stores, i incidentally had them at home)
  • clear top coat

more result pics:


  1. Meine Nichte hat auch Nagellack für sich entdeckt, vielleicht darf ich ihr beim nächsten Besuch ja auch Eulen auf die Finger malen <3 <3 <3
    Absolut herzallerliebst.

  2. haha this brings a smile to my face. totally cute! xxx

  3. Awwww, süßes Design! ♥
    Sieht ganz toll aus.

  4. So cute! How long did it take you to do this? :)

  5. Ooooh, wie niedlich! Sehr geniales Bild auch mit dem Zweig...ich guck mir sowas total gerne an, bin selber aber eher weniger talentiert, um sowas auch zu machen .


  6. Oh my goodness. This is so cute, especially with all of them sitting on the tree!

  7. Eeee, that is so cute! I love owls!

  8. Adorable. Check out how my sister did different type of owls, so freakin' adorable:

    p.s. how can you not like nail art? :P :))

  9. Die sind suess geworden. Wuerde das kaum hinbekommen ;)


  10. Ich habs grad echt kinderleicht :)

  11. thanks so much, everyone of you!

    @just me and hohner: haha, it's just my twisted point of view ;)

  12. @rainy days and lattes: probably less than 10 minutes (drying time included!). it's really simple and i only did these 3 fingers of my niece.


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