Aug 17, 2011

oh my god! oh my GOD! OMG - OMG - OMG!!!!!!!!!!

these are 1016 sugar hearts. i counted each of them per hand - each stands for one of my "sweet and lovely" readers via Google Friend Connect of the moment.

thanks to each and every one of you, for checking in regularly, reading my rambles, sending me the sweetest comments and emails ever.  of course this also applies to my Bloglovin' readers and the non-registered ones as well, but this magical 1000-GFC-readers-number is something symbolic and concrete.
i'm almost speechless and so amazed!

starting on december 1st, 2010 - exactly 260 days ago, i have written (and published) 451 posts until today, received 2705 comments, gained 1016 official readers on GFC, 274 readers on Bloglovin, over 500 000 clicks.

that is just unbelievable!

and totally impossible if not many great blogger colleagues gave me a shout out from time to time and have listed my blog in their blog roll, readers linking to me in various forums and on twitter, youtube, etc.
thank you for your word of mouth, your suggestions and support!
thank you for sharing my love and passion for make up, my brush/blush/gold-craze and all that ;D

i'm happy that i could stay ad-free until now, and i hope that i can keep on with that.
furthermore, there are not many changing-plans for the blog. i'm happy with how it actually is, and i hope you are, too.

i haven't seen this coming so fast, i haven't even prepared anything to make a draw ;)
i have some ideas for my big 1000-readers giveaway, but i can't really decide.
so it's your turn - what do you want out of these?

* Chanel Quartz nail polish   or
* a Chanel Illusion d'Ombre cream eyeshadow of choice for the winner   or
* one of the new Guerlain quads (colour choice by the winner)   or
* a RMK Cheek Brush   or
* an Edward Bess Luxury Eye Brush   or
* a blush by Cargo (colour choice by the winner)

i will buy the product with the most votes as the main prize for a 1000-readers-giveaway that will happen soon.
at the moment i'm hosting a giveaway already, so i don't want to interfere with it.

again, thousand times thank you to all of you, have a wonderful day - i will now go on to feast in happiness and grin from ear to ear ;)

hope that many of you will vote, so the choice will be representative.


  1. Definitiv das Guerlain Quad nach Wahl :) Super Idee, erstmal zu fragen!

  2. Congratulations! The idea of representing all your readers with candy hearts is really cute...!

    I vote for the Guerlain quads, they are very pretty. <3

    Lots of love,


  3. Herzlichen Glückwunsch, mach weiter so :)

    Finde das Guerlain Quad das tollste Give-Away

  4. Péridot is in the Chanel Quartz collection, right?

    Congrats on your 1000+ followers. You deserve every single one of them.
    Btw, counting all those papers by hand must have taken ages!! I would have probably lost count and be forced to start again, lol.

  5. I am very happy for you, you deserve much more than 1016 followers!

    I also vote for one of Guerlain quads, looking forward to giveaway! :)

  6. Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Du hast es aber auch wirklich verdient, dein Blog ist spitze! Da ich seit der Pressemitteilung auf den neuen Look und die Lidschattenquads von Guerlain warte, wäre es eine super Chance, wenn du es verlosen würdest. Mach weiter so liebe Keto!!!

  7. Congratulations honey! You deserve it, your blog is A-MA-ZING.... I spend far too much time here. I would vote for one of the new Chanel cream eyeshadows personally ;)

    Would be really cool if you could check out my blog sometime. I"m Brussels based but jet back and forward between Belgium, London and Milan so I have lots of scope for new beauty discoveries which may interest you :)

  8. Wow, innerhalb der kurzen Zeit ist das echt 'ne Menge. Glückwunsch :)

  9. Congratulations!! It's so well deserved. I'll put a vote in for a Guerlain Quad but honestly everything you have suggested would makes a wonderful prize.

    Well done on writing and maintaining such a successful blog.
    Jane x

  10. Illusion d'ombre because I am curious but probably won't buy them... :) Congrats!!!

  11. Definitely you're soooo nice! :)

    Thank you for all the time you spend preparing the post and the photos, trying and reviewing brands for all of us! Thank you for sharing with us all your make up passion :)

    Re the gift, I vote for Guerlain quads too... It's amazing for me the idea of trying this!

  12. ♥-lichen Glückwunsch! Ich lese deinen Blog sehr sehr gerne.

  13. Glückwunsch (:
    Ich wäre auch für das Guerlain Quad.

    Liebe Grüße,

  14. Gratuliere. Dein Blog ist auch wirklich toll. Er ist ganz schnell zu einem meiner Liebsten geworden. Reviews, Design, Fotos - mit gefällt einfach alles. Mach weiter so.
    Ich stimme für RMK Cheek Brush.

  15. Ich bin auch für Guerlain, die sind soo wunderschön =)

    Liebe Grüße und herzliche Glückwünsche zu den wohlverdienten, jetzt schon 1017 Lesern =)


  16. I'm a recent follower from Spain and i'd like to say it's really interesting...congratulations! I guess the draw won't be international but I appreciate the idea...thank you!

  17. Congratulations!

    I vote for the EB eye brush. It's probably the thing almost every one can love and use. : )

  18. Herzlichen Glückwunsch auch von mir! Deine Blogarbeit wird belohnt und das wirklich zu Recht! Mach einfach genauso weiter. :-)


  19. Glückwunsch :-)
    Ich les Deinen Blog auch echt sehr gerne..!

    Fände ebenfalls das Guerlain-Quad am attraktivsten :-)

  20. Congratulations on reaching over 1000 followers. =)

    I vote for the Guerlain quad, but all the choices you mentioned are great for a giveaway. =)

  21. Congratulations !!! You deserve it !
    All the things you proposed are sooo amazing but I personaly vote for the Guerlain quad :) they look so gorgeous !
    Kisses from Belgium

  22. herzlichen Glückwunsch!!! Wundert mich aber ehrlich gesagt nicht, dass du so viele begeisterte leser hast - dein blog ist einfach sehr schön, informativ und sticht aus vielen anderen heraus!!!
    Ich bin auch für das guerlain quad :-)
    Viele liebe Grüße!

  23. Herzlichen Glückwunsch, dein Blog ist wirkich super informativ und mit Liebe gemacht – und es ist sau süß wie sehr du dich freust :D

    Ich favorisiere die Guerlain Quads.

  24. Congrats! It's a big number! :) And the counting of the sugar hearts is very sweet! :) I think a Chanel Illusion d'Ombre would be sweet too, for the giveaway! :P

  25. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!! You should be very proud of your blog baby!

    My vote goes to the Guerlain quad!

  26. Congrats! You deserved each single one of them!

  27. Herzlichen Glückwunsch auch von mir! Mach weiter so! Ivh bin definitiv für das Guerlain Quad :)

  28. Herzlichen Glückwunsch!!!! Ich vote für ein Guerlain quad! LG

  29. herzlichen Glückwunsch!
    ich lese dein Blog wirklich sehr gerne :)
    Liebe Grüße!
    Kannst auch sehr gerne bei mir vorbeischauen ;)

    Ich vote für das Guerlain Quad!

  30. CONGRATS!!



  31. This is so cute :) I also vote for the Guerlain :) Have a lovely day <3

  32. Herzliche Gratulation! :-) Ich bin für das Guerlain quad!

  33. Congratulations!! and You totally deserve this, actually I think you deserve much more attention because your blog is so informative and you have such elegant and unique taste! Also, I cannot imagine how much effort you've put on this blog so that it comes up with new post EVERY SINGLE DAY! It is definitely not easy to achieve!

    All in all, thank you so much for all the pleasure and joy your blog has brought to me and all the passion on makeup that you've shared with us! To check out your new post has been officially the first thing every morning when I turn on my laptop!

    Best wishes and please please keep walking!


  34. Congrats :D and I vote for guerlain, these quads look so lovely! :)

  35. Congratz! I would like to win Chanel Quartz nail polish :)

  36. Congrats! I'm glad so many people found your amazing blog.
    It's always a pleasure to read and look at, absolutely love it!

    Hmm, I think all the options where you can choose the shade are gorgeous, and aside from the Guerlain quad which has so many votes already, I'd vote for the Cargo blush.


  37. herzlichen Glückwunsch auch von mir! Ich freue mich jeden Tag, wenn wieder ein Post von dir im Dashboard angezeigt wird!

    Ich vote für das Guerlain Quad

  38. I'm so excited for the new guerlain quads!

    I've been reading your blog daily for a while so keep up the good work! :)

  39. Congrats on reaching so many readers! And in less than a year, wow! I read the blog almost daily and it really is always informative. Keep up the good work :) Personally, I think the RMK cheek brush would be a fun, kind of different item for the giveaway.

  40. Congratulations !
    You deserve it, your blog is really good.

    I vote for a Chanel Shadow Illusion !


  41. <3-lichen Glückwunsch! Der Blog hat es aber auch wirklich verdient :)

    Ich vote für einen Chanel Illusion d'Ombre Lidschatten.


  42. Congrats and you totally deserve that! Always appreciate your thorough reviews and the clean layout without the ads :-)
    I vote for rmk brush!!

  43. Congratulations!

    I vote for the Edward Bess Luxury Eye Brush. It isn't a color product, so anyone of all races and colors can use it. Plus, it's really that good. I have some amazing brushes, and I still reach for the EB brush every single day.

    Congrats, again.

  44. awww congratulations! what a huge accomplishment :)

  45. Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu so vielen Lesern :) Dein Blog ist aber auch super. Ich finde es schön wie ausführlich du deine Berichte immer schreibst und auch immer Vergleiche zu anderen Produkten ziehst. (Und vor allem auch über (für mich) weniger bekannte Marken schreibst)

  46. congratulations for the wonderful community that has formed around your blog! Love the soft delicate look of your blog and of course, the material that populates it :D
    My two cents for the giveaway: Edward Bess Luxury Eye Brush. Can be used by everybody and heard (from another blogger across the ocean) that is so so soft and amazing at what it does.

  47. Congratulations! I am a new follower and I am super glad about your awesome accomplishment.

    Hrmm....I vote for Guerlain Quad

  48. congrats for 1000 subbies, you are awesome:)
    I vote for Guerlain Quad

  49. Hey Keto,

    congrats on so many readers!
    i'm for a Guerlain Quad

    Momma Sweets

  50. Congratulations! ^_^

    I've only been following your blog for a couple months, but I really like the items you post about. If only more of the brands were available where I live!

    RMK is one of the ones that also aren't available here, so I vote for the RMK Cheek Brush.

  51. Congratulations!!!

    I pick RMK brush



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