Jun 17, 2011

some ramble and the look i admired in my youth ...


sorry for the lack of posts, readers. today is my first day off after almost one year long of internship at my university hospital and of course my body is playing me a trick and gets sick immediately -.-
so i was home all day with an aching throat, teeth and nose, feeling cold and sneezing all the time and panting for air.  took away my muse to type pending product reviews but gave me a lot of time to play around with my make up collection and newbies. it's just amazing how make up can cover a sick and grey face, so i really love to do that when i don't feel so well, it's like a psychological therapy when my eyes see a healthy glowy face  my body will recover faster :)
haha the first day off and i already went colour-crazy (missed that sooo much the past months!!!!) - i have my nails bright orange and made a rich blue and now burgundy & gold eye make up ;D

so for the upcoming months i still don't have a clue how it will continue on the blog - i will have to learn and prepare a LOT for my final exams (which will start mid-october) but on the other hand am able to stay at home (or go to the library but all in all i can do my own schedule) so i can't predict how much free time i'll have and if i'll be inspired by the muse then. i would be happy if you'll still stick with me even when there's not as much going on on here than usual.
however i still cannot believe that i'm almost finished with my studies and will be a physician in less than 6 months! (hopefully). 6 years went by so fast... oh my god and then i will have to work for the next 40(!) years! haha student life already seems so far back but real life is just so far away...

now back to me playing with makeup: i've been on a gold trip lately, you may have noticed. oh, and i'm desperately wanting NARS Etrusque eyeshadow!!! i could kick myself for not getting it when it came out and now it seems to be unavailable for me. the only ebay offer i could find doesn't ship to germany :(
please please please give me a tip if you've seen it somewhere around or found a perfect dupe for it or if you want to sell yours: i'll buy it!!

thinking of all the golds and maroons and warm colours, i remembered an eye make up i really admired in my teen years. it was a look from Yves Rocher's summer collection of 2001 i think - the girl in the catalogue has worn such an intense, fascinating, rich eye make up of a golden copper and pinky burgundy on the outer parts. i drooled over it big time and my boyfriend (back then, now husband) bought me the two eyeshadows of that look (and the matching lipgloss or so, but it wasn't that impressive so i don't remember how i lost it :P). they were two loose eyeshadows from the Couleurs Nature line in the shades Pépite D'Or and Raisin Noir that started my love for such products.

Yves Rocher Raisin Noir and Pépite D'Or

i tried it very hard but i couldn't make it work on me - those shades are much too warm to look good on me. so i tried and failed the look again once in a while and at some point of time i gave up realising that it was a pretty look but only on other skin types. of course i could never throw them away -  they still were pretty to look at and at least a gift from him.
now that i have a much bigger variety of make up products and also a bit more knowledge about make up and about what suits me, i wanted to try this particular look with the eyeshadows that were made for it again to revive the old times ;) i don't believe that they have gone bad.
so this is my latest attempt on it - unfortunately i didn't keep the original picture (which i did, but threw it away after a few years). still, these colours are too warm for me, so i warmed up the rest of my face with gold highlighter, gold shimmering blush and a lot of bronzer to match it a bit more. also i created more depth and contour to my eyes to set them apart from the colours themselves by wearing more mascara and using darker shades along the lashline so the colours don't give me the sore-eyed appearance.
what do you think? yay or nay?

some of the other products i used:

Hourglass Exhibition duo (dark shade) - Flormar #21 - NARS Albatross (used as eyeshadow in inner corners)
MAC Pearlglide in Raven
cheeks: NARS Albatross, theBalm Hot Mama - Cargo Mendocino - Edward Bess Ultra Luminous Bronzer in Daydream
Hourglass gloss in Fortune


  1. this look is amazing!i really love burgundy combined with gold!

  2. I love the pink-gold combo so much, your look reminds me of Mac's Mineralize Blush in 'New Vibe' & looks amaaaazing on both cheeks and eyes. Love this x

  3. Honestly I think you look so beautiful though it's warm... What a nice eyeshadow and blush work! :)

  4. Stunning! I love the colours you used on your eyes so pretty! x

  5. Definetly a YAY from my side! Looks really beautiful! Thanks for that post, I really enjoy reading such ramble posts, I loved your "soul strip" you did back then!
    Oh and it´s such a pitty that this post hadn´t been posted a week before, I was in Paris and would have totally bought ETRUSQUE for you! (the sephora at the champs-elsees-- AMAZING)
    LG Vanessa (iwie spinnt mein Google Account:()

  6. Hallo

    das sieht absolut klasse aus und so ein bisschen mehr Farbe finde ich wunderschoen an dir!ç


  7. Hi
    Etrusque is available in the US... It's on the NARS website and at department stores.
    Nordstrom.com ships to Germany, but I'm unsure of the cost. If you have any friends or family here it may be cheaper to have them ship it to you directly.
    Love your blog!

  8. Ich weiß nicht woran das liegt, aber du wirkst in letzter Zeit auf deinen Bildern wie frisch verliebt. Du strahlst richtig von innen, finde ich total schön =)

  9. I think this look really suits you. And I will definitely stay tuned and will be watching out for new posts. In the end we all have other lives than those on blogs, hm? :)

  10. Wenn ich das richtig sehe kannst du Nars "Etrusque" auf der Nars.eu Seite kaufen.
    Meine Nars Produkte beziehe ich in der Regel bei "kissandmakeupny.com", wenn ein neues Produkt nicht gelisted ist, kann man anfragen und meist ist der Artikel dann auch lieferbar.
    Bei deinem Makeup gefällt mit besonders die Kombi für die Wangen ausgesprochen gut! Ich habe mir die Blushes direkt notiert und werde das nächste mal sicher zuschlagen wenn wir in Amerika sind.

  11. wow i didn't know one can copy eyeshadows Tsarina from Guerlain, but you nailed it :)) very nice look, i wear similair quite often when going out

  12. @afro, principessa constanze, papish, sherrie, bombones malos: thanks to all of you!

    @néphèle: thanks! now you say it, it also really reminds me of new vibe! didn't get it back then, though.

    @vanessa: what a pity :( but thank you so much for that almost-offer ;) oh, and i looove the Champs-Élysées-Sephora, too! it's like sensory overload when you enter it haha, don't know where to swatch first :D

    @sp: too bad that i don't have F&F in the states -.- i thought of ordering through hana on facebook, but recently she only accepts orders over 75$. and nordstrom shipping is too expensive :/

    @frauseltsam: oh mein gott! was für ein kompliment. ich kippe um und bin überwältigt es zu hören - knuuuuutsch!!!!
    noch vor 'ner woche hab ich mich mit meiner freundin wie zwei alte omis unterhalten wie wir jetzt einfach nicht mehr so frisch und strahlend wirken wie in unserer "jugend", das leuchten in den augen ist verblasst etc. und um unsere schwindende aura getrauert - und jetzt kommst du mir damit - wow! hätt ich nicht so eingeschätzt hihi
    also ganz so frisch ist meine liebe nämlich nicht mehr - schon über 11 jahre :)

    @yarisse: thank you for understanding.

    @aureolis: leider ist gerade das symbolbild für die eyeshadow singles etrusque, klickt man drauf, gibt es die nuance gar nicht zu kaufen. hmmmpf :/
    ich versuch mal bei kissandmakeupny anzufragen, dank dir für den tipp!!!
    ich beneide dich um amerika ;) das ist bei mir im nächsten jahr zeitlich gar nicht drin.

  13. @malwina: thank you! i just looked up the tsarina palette you mentioned and it looks very similar to the shades i used, although not as shimmery. but it's a pretty and warm palette. did you get it when it came out or are you on the hunt for dupes?

  14. yes, i bought it back then :) i loved that collection! it is my favourite palette among the Guerlain eye shadows :)

  15. A huge yay from me - I adore this look on you! I love purple shadow on brown eyes in general, but this is a great of using the colour and still making it quite subtle and wearable. I love the blush you used too :D

  16. Hallo!
    Also vielleicht hab ich mich verguckt, aber ich konnte etrusque auf der nars.eu seite sogar in den warenkorb legen... man muss halt den reiter mit den shimmer-e/s anklicken...
    LG. Lena

  17. was was was???? ist sowas von bestellt!!!! ich danke dir, ich hab da nämlich gar nicht geguckt - omg 10000000 dank!!!!

  18. Bitte, sehr gerne ;o)
    LG. Lena

  19. Ah, da lag der Fehler. Ich hatte extra vorher auf Nars EU nachgeschaut, ob Etrusque lieferbar ist. Du hattest lediglich die Untergliederung in Matt, Shimmer und Nightlife nicht gesehen.
    Dann hast du ja das Schätzchen bald in deiner Sammlung und wir was zu schauen ;o)

  20. wow, du hast das PJ jetzt schon um? Ich muss noch 2 Wochen:-)
    Ich wünsche dir schonmal viel Erfolg und viel Kraft für die blöde Lernphase die jetzt kommt:-)

    Der Look ist übrigens wirklich sehr schön:-)

  21. ja, ich hab meine 20 fehltage genommen und zusätzlich ein paar pj-tage gesammelt - somit musste ich von 8 wochen viszeralchirurgie nur noch 3 absitzen. zum glück - da das fach nun auch nicht mehr sooo spannend für mich ist nachdem ich schon mal viszeralchirurgie als famulatur gemacht hab. ausserdem ist einfach die luft rauss (und damit der enthusiasmus). wie geht es dir denn dabei? ich hoffe du hattest ein spannendes pj aber drück dir die daumen dass die 2 wochen ganz schnell vergehen (und dir das "sommerloch" zugute kommt ;)). und dann mal auf zum lernen, gell?

    wünsch dir auch viel energie, geduld, strebsamkeit. und koffein.

    und danke für dein kompliment ;)

  22. Oh das mit der Luft raus kenn ich nur allzu gut:-D Ich habs auch langsam richtig über. Es reicht einfach. Meine 20 Fehltage nehm ich jetzt auch noch. Bei uns geht das leider nicht mit Tage vorher sammeln.
    Bin auch grad im Chirurgietertial und hatte richtig Glück. Hatte 8 Wochen Unfallchirurgie und das war wirklich ganz gut und hab dann die Allgemeinchirurgie gegen die Intensivstation tauschen können (Intensivstation ist meine große Liebe:-D). Was möchtest du denn nach dem Examen machen bzw. werden?

    Dir auch ganz viel Kraft:-)

  23. Oh wow, this is stunning! I'm going to try this look soon I think.


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