May 23, 2011

I'm diggin' powders! part whatever: Lavera Fine Loose Mineral Powder

the Lavera Fine Loose Mineral Powder is an insider tip in my "home" beauty forum as a cheaper, and for some better alternative to the infamous Guerlain Météorites Pearls. there's only one shade, not 3 different like the Guerlain powder, but the soft focus effect is told to be quite similar, a bit blurring, concealing unevenness and enlarged pores, subtle glow. so i ordered it to try. Lavera is an organic cosmetics brand, this powder is a vegan product. it's a blend of mica, rice germ powder, talc and so on, but also contains silica and a lot of organic oils. you can see the ingredient list on a photo below.
the brand is available in a lot of bigger drugstores/department stores but also in health food shops and on
i ordered it on, it costs 11.95€ and contains 10g.
on the packaging, it claims to be a "micro-fine mineral powder with a long-lasting matte finish - suitable for all skin types".
it comes in a normal sifter jar with a nice little velours pouf. it smells like chamomille so it reminds me of baby powder.
it's very finely milled, feeling it between my fingers lets me know it contains some oils because it's very smooth and creamy, not dry and loose like the Chanel Poudre Universelle Libre for example. it's a beige powder with slight pinkish hues, but applies completely translucent on me, it literally melts into my skin instantly. i use it with a soft squirrel hair powder brush to finish my foundation and concealer, i seem to need quite a bit of it for my whole face, but it doesn't ever make me look chalky. it gives a velvety soft finish at first, but soon melts into my skin to a satin sheen without any shimmer particles but has light-reflecting abilities.
it does give me a hint of a glow and a soft focus effect, however, and that's the interesting part for some, i find the effect not as apparent than with the Guerlain Météorites Pearls. i still find the Guerlain powder to be more flattering. but for those of you who can't stand the microglitter in the Météorites powders, this is a very nice and affordable alternative. (still, i find the beautifying effect of the Chanel Poudre Universelle Libre better than with this and even more comparable and maybe actually better than the Guerlain powders.)
because it does contain a few organic oils, this powder is quite moisturising and would perform great on dry skins. however, with my oily skin i get in trouble with this about mid-day with blotting alert.

applied heavily - blended in 


i made a better comparison for you to see. on the left pic i only wear foundation, on the right i applied the powder over it. still the effect is only minimal and not really visible, but you see i tried! (please ignore the slight colour-difference between the 2 photos, the powder doesn't have any coverage or tint at all.)

no powder - with powder


  1. Klingt ja richtig interessant! Allerdings kann ich über die Wirkung ja nichts sagen, weil du nur ein nachher-Bild gemacht hast. Ich weiß, dass ungeschminkte Fotos eine überwindung sind, aber ich z.B. könnte jetzt hier keine besonderen Fähigkeiten zuordnen, einfach, weil ich nicht weiß, wie dein Gesicht davor aussieht...

  2. Danke für die Review! Ich mag an den Meteorites das Geglitzer nicht so sehr, deswegen werde ich mir mal den ansehen. Danke für den Tipp!

  3. @ari: leider ist die wirkung von puder einfach unheimlich schwer einzufangen. das war eigentlich nur ein test-photo, ich hatte es gar nicht in den post eingeplant. ich werde mal versuchen ein bild nur mit foundation (da ich das puder ja sowieso nur über foundation benutze) und dann eins daneben mit dem puder reinzustellen. aber leider ist es da auch schwer, das finish der foundation auszuwählen...
    allgemein habe ich nichts gegen make-up-nackige bilder, von denen hab ich hier auch einige (z.b. origins vitazing oder concealer-post ;))


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