Mar 8, 2011

Lancôme Génifique Serum - do you use samples?

over the past few months i accumulated quite a several ( i think it was 10 or so) of these samples of Lancôme's Genifique serum.
as the amount would equal about a third of a regular bottle and would last quite some time, i started a trial and could use it over the last 4-5 weeks ago, morning and night.
a regular bottle of 30ml would cost 79.50€.
as i only used the samples, i can't say anything about the packaging. but it looks good, though.
it's a hazy viscid liquid that spreads very well and with a slippery feeling on your skin, so that you can get along even with a small amount. i always use it on a still very slightly damp skin after my thermal water spray.
it sinks in totally, leaving no residues or film or stickyness at all. so you might feel like you haven't apply anything, which i don't like that much.
i have a oily skin, with large pores especially on my cheeks and forehead, that is prone to blackheads :(
after using it during the last month, i don't see a large improvement of my skin. i feel it is soft and moisturised, but my pores are still enlarged, i still get some zits and blackheads that don't heal faster than normal. no glow, no youthful skin (but in fact oilyness + zits are the epitome for young skin ;)  ).
it is a good moisturising serum, maybe i can only see some effect after long term use of 3 months +, but i'm not willing to pay 80€ to see if it's going to work, when my skin would be ok with a cheaper moisturiser at this time.
maybe in some years. but on the other hand, i have seen better results (in a shorter time) with the Advanced Night Repair serum by Estée Lauder, so effectiveness is not impossible ;)

have you tried this? what is your opinion?
do you use samples in general? i know many don't use face care samples as they are afraid to break out, and the effect will only show when you use it longer, but as my skin is quite uncomplicated these days, i like to use deluxe size samples.

btw, i used a Lancôme moisturizer with this, it was a 15ml deluxe sample of a men's hydrating moisturiser. i don't shy away from this, as the ingredients and technology is mostly the same with men's and women's skin care from one brand, only the scent is more herbal with the men's stuff. and as long as it doesn't grow me a beard, i don't care ;)


  1. Ich würde nie soviel Geld für ein Serum ausgeben.
    Meine Haut ist empfindlich und im Winter sehr trocken, deswegen benutzte ich von Balea ein SOS Serum mit Urea. Das kann ich bis jetzt nur empfehlen, ich benutzte es ca 3 Wochen.

  2. Gut zu wissen, dass es für junge Haut nichts taugt. Generell probier ich Pflegesamples auch nur sporadisch, wenn ich nichts wichtiges vorhab. Finds auch lästig, dass ich dann immer ein leeres Döschen brauch, um den Rest abzufüllen (weghauen will ich ja nichts, außer es ist wirklich schlecht).

  3. I've had some samples of this product but I don't know, I don't really see what's all the hype is about. It didn't really do something for my dry skin )=

  4. i think it's a average moisturising serum. the costs are surely pushed up into the clouds partially because of the intensive promotion strategy.

  5. I got this as a gift but have to agree with you: it makes the skin smooth and moisturize but won't do any miracle on other fronts. Estee Lauder Advanced Night Repair is much more efficient to help with blemishes, brighten the skin etc...

    Nice blog by the way, just found you randomly, always nice to read other European bloggers :)

  6. thank you!
    i really want to get a big sized Advanced Night Repair the next time i get into a duty free zone, Hong Kong Airport would be great. i find those products are really great duty free purchases.
    i'm happy that you found here, i like your blog very much!(and your blog sale, btw ;) )


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