Mar 9, 2011

Catrice new range: gel eyeliner *brown*

i am a diehard optimist -  although i was quite disappointed by the black version of this ("01 Black Jack with Jack Black" - look here),  i threw out another 4€ for the brown one "02 It's Mambo Nr. 2".
i shouldn't.
but the colour in the glass jar is just gorgeous! a dark cool brown with fine shimmer.
it has a thicker consistency than the black one, although it looks too dry on my arm-swatches, i was very surprised how well it applied, it glides on the lid smoothly and evenly. i like the colour very much, i can make a thick winged line with this without it looking too harsh like with a black eye liner.
sadly i was also surprised by it's negative points: as i looked into the mirror by mid-day, i had two thick transfer-lines on my upper lid. those even were quite hard to remove, ironically.
i wished they would improve it as soon as possible.

this is how it looks swatched: don't let the first impression fool you! when applying to the lid it glides very smoothly. but it's a great colour, isn't it?

it's not very smudge-proof, though: this is how it looks after i rubbed it a little bit with a dry cosmetic tissue.


  1. das ist enttäuschend, ich hatte gehofft die Gel eyeliner wären gelungen, weil ich auch nach einem schönen braunen Gel eyeliner suche, aber dann schaue ich mich lieber bei bobbi brown um
    Danke für die review!


  2. Ich habe den Geleyeliner heute auch gekauft und war richtig positiv überrascht und die Farbe ist so wunderschön!


  3. Thanks for the warning. That really sounds terrible. *eek*
    I am too thinking about trying one or two of the essence liners. Hopefully cosnova did better there..

    Btw I have already gotten around to try Flormar 14. The effect of the slight pink shimmer is really beautiful and unique in my collection as well. I also picked up a completely matte brown rosy shade, apparently called 19. Haven't used that one yet, but is is very silky and smooth.

  4. ja ich find das auch sooo schade! so eine schöne farbe, für die ich gerne die 4€ gezahlt hätte, trotz cosnova (deren image ich immer als billiger emfunden habe).
    ich befürchte, mein faltlid trägt auch massiv dazu bei. evtl. habt ihr weniger probleme damit :(

  5. @2espresso: me too, i still keep the hope that the essence ones will perform better, although chances are low ...
    i'm happy that you like the flormar eyeshadow! you are lucky to have a counter/display at your local douglas. i didn't even know that they are also sold in store. live-swatching is always better, huh?
    but with matte shades, i think p2 does a really nice job these days. i will definitely take a look at those soon. have you tried the matte shadows by p2 (esp. the new ones)?

  6. I have! And oh, I love them so far. The old shades were too cool & plummy for my taste, though I got the black one by now. D'you have access to by BeautyTB over at BJs? I put some very brief impressions & photos up there & in the p2 thread, as well as a comparison of grey pleasure and MAC Copperplate, the colors seemed to ask for it.. and I'm also about to post some AMUs with it.
    A beauty also mentioned brown delight was similar to Cork.. which I don't own but it was on my wishlist, as well as Samoa Silk, so the new p2 shades came extremely handy for me.

    Btw Im also very lucky to have a Kryolan MU store over here, and their selction of mattes is pretty amazing isnt it :D I own two teal-ish shades (which I love but don't ever wear) and just bought Oak..

    Umm, and I guess I'll just keep texting in English.. I don't know exactly how many international readers you have - but I always get that little :c reaction when I'm on a blog & suddenly stumble across a conversation I cant understand ^^ .. So, dont know if it's weird but Ill keep it that way so noone will feel excluded..?

  7. Maybe you can use it as an eyeshadow with base :) kopjes more like an eyeshadow to me.


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