Feb 20, 2011

MNY eyeshadow 805A (I'm A Material Girl -LE) - dupe to NARS Cairo?

in the last few months, i discovered a love for medium neutral shades. no definite taupes, no browns, now smokey shadows like i hunted before (and still do), but very wearable, easy colours just a hint darker than your eyelids which give you a hint of distinct colour, like a slight gold or mauve or sand shade.
the MNY eyeshadow in 805A just falls exactly in the latter category and instantly cought my eye. it reminds me of NARS Cairo, a holy grail of me these days, and so i bought it for comparison purpose. it's part of a limited edition called "I'm A Material Girl" and available now at dm drugstores. it doesn't say how much product is in the pan, but at less than 2€ you needn't hesitate to buy back ups in case this shade becomes a basic.
but you can't expect much of the packaging. it's just worst. reminds me of toy-make up. i definitely suggest you to depot it into a palette.
it's a rosey light taupe colour. the white and pink shimmer is rather fine and boarders a satin finish. it looks darker in the pan than applied. the pigmentation is ok, very blendable and foolproof.
in direct comparison to NARS Cairo, i have to admit that they aren't dupes like i thought before, Cairo is more yellow-based but both have the same colour-intensity and a similar finish. if you liked Cairo, you'll like this too.
with a primer underneath, i have no problems with creasing or fading. as this is my first eyeshadow from this brand (MNY is the pocket money-friendly line of Maybelline, aimed to younger girls), i must say that i'm pleasantly surprised with the quality. but i would not buy more shades if they weren't absolutely unique, just because i already have soo many (high end) eyeshadows and sooo little storage space left that will only let special gems enter.

MNY 805A - NARS Cairo
MNY 805A - NARS Cairo


  1. I'm a little mad that I didn't buy it but I've still the hope to get it because the limited editions of MNY are not that treasured like other brands. It looks a little bit like a colour by wet n wild that I've seen a few weeks ago.

  2. Beautiful colour! I actually like MNY from the swatch better than NARS. I wish these Maybelline products would be also available here in the Czech Republic.

  3. Thanks a lot for the comparison! Ill probably be arguing with myself quite a bit when Im at the MNY Counter picking up a few backups of the 801 lipbalm. (I adore the very slight, subtle fresh pink tinge it gives to my lips.. easy to wear, natural & very fresh without looking trashy like pink easily does with my coloring)
    I do think though from the swatches that Id rather go with Cairo, so Ill probably resist the MNY.

    Yes, lately I've discovered a certain affection for the medium-ish neutrals as well ^^ Do you know UD Ruthless? Though I think it's def. on the light side of the medium shades.

  4. @Yarisse: i think they'd be better off if they offered this line in east european Youngster, too.

    @2espresso: i think this is a great everyday-shade that you shouldn't resist at all. And because of ruthless, well, i've not only heard of it but already have acquired it on my hunt for the perfect "only 1 shade darker than my lids"-shadow and reviewed it here: http://delicatehummingbird.blogspot.com/2011/01/urban-decay-deluxe-eyeshadow-ruthless.html . ^.^

  5. @ ketoglutarat; haha, owned :D ..Well ok, if even you say so.. I guess I'll get it, it does sound awesome after all! And 2€.. I hope Ill still be able to get the shadow and some balms!


  6. @Yarisse: of course i meant "east european countries", not east european youngster. i don't know why the iphone does that :P

    @2espresso: hahahaha i guess so. i keep my fingers crossed fo you, too!

  7. Got it! ;) And I'm wearing it today. So far I like it, and Im gonna post some photos & random comparison swatches I made with other shadows of my stash in the BJ MNY thread later.


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