Feb 10, 2011

MAC swatches galore! - pigments part I

today i want to start with my MAC Pigment swatches. i only have 1 full size pot, but i think you can relate to me having mostly samples or pigment charms, as i don't use them that often that i would ever finish a full size. most times i buy my pigment samples at thebodyneeds2.com.
i always wear a primer underneath the pigments.

remember each pic is clickable and will get huge so you can see the shimmer ;)

first row: glitters/light shimmers.

in the shadow: Reflects Pearl - Reflects Transparent Teal - Kitschmas - Vanilla - Naked
in direct sunlight: Reflects Pearl - Reflects Transparent Teal - Kitschmas - Vanilla - Naked
in artificial light: Reflects Pearl - Reflects Transparent Teal - Kitschmas - Vanilla - Naked

Reflects Pearl

Reflects Transparent Teal




second row: the browns.

in direct sunlight: Sunnydaze - Jigs&Jive - Reflects Antique Gold - Gift O'Glamour - Mauvement - Tan - Chocolate Brown
in artificial light: Sunnydaze - Jigs&Jive - Reflects Antique Gold - Gift O'Glamour - Mauvement - Tan - Chocolate Brown


Jigs&Jive (Tartan Tale LE)

Reflects Antique Gold

Gift O'Glamour (Tartan Tale LE)



Chocolate Brown

my favourites are Naked, Vanilla and Mauvement, and yours?
next time we'll continue with purples, blues and blacks ;)

1 comment:

  1. Out of your swatches I love Vanilla (of course), Reflects Antique Gold and Mauvement the most. Out of all the pigments I love Old Gold (old formula) and Copperized too


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