Feb 12, 2011

Chanel Ombre Essentielle #90 Fauve

Chanel Ombre Essentielle #90 Fauve (2g - 25€) is newly released with Chanel's mini collection  Sublime de Chanel / Soulful Eyes together with a new mascara, a blue quad and 3 more mono eyeshadows.
i heard about the quad and the shadow, but didn't noticed this shade. but when i did, i immediately went online to order this.
so this was described as a shimmery taupe - that was what flipped the switch for me ;)
i ordered on douglas.de, and with a coupon code i could save 5€ and still got free delivery, that's great!
it arrived yesterday and i think i like it, but i realise that i already have some similar shadows (and should stop buying such shades!!! ommmmmmm).
i think i'll have to start a TAUPE-OUT 2011 ;) just kidding, i would be the first to break it, or giving me a limit of maximum 10 more taupes for this year hahaha
Fauve is a cool toned mauvey-silver-taupe with lots and lots of multicolour sparkles (which are mostly pink&blue and where too hard to capture in a photo) and instantly reminded me of NARS Habanera (the taupe in the duo). the texture is more gritty and drier than the only other mono eyeshadow from Chanel i own, Taupe Grisé, and reminds me of a very good Lustre finish from MAC. it is very blendable, what i initially doubted, plus surprisingly the sparkles didn't got blended away. i wore it yesterday and it didn't move or fade through the whole day.

Chanel #90 Fauve in natural light
Chanel #90 Fauve in artificial light

here i was wearing it on the lid (with a slightly darker shade in the outer corner):

comparison swatches:

MAC Hypnotizing - MAC Smudged Violet - L'Oreal #380 - Chanel Fauve - NARS Habanera
in natural light: MAC Hypnotizing - MAC Smudged Violet - L'Oreal #380 - Chanel Fauve - NARS Habanera
under artificial light: MAC Hypnotizing - MAC Smudged Violet - L'Oreal #380 - Chanel Fauve - NARS Habanera

you can see it doesn't resemble Habanera very much when swatched, it is lighter and more frosty. so Smudged Violet (from the Shadowy Lady quad) looks more alike, but fails texture-wise and lacks the multicolour sparkles from Chanel Fauve.


  1. Oh Fauve ist toll, toll, toll und ich freu mich schon sehr auf meinen.
    Fauve sieht auch nach einer Farbe aus, die man gut solo auf dem Lid tragen kann.

  2. auf jeden fall! ich hoffe du hast dein fauve inzwischen erhalten und kannst ihn live genießen ;)

  3. Does Fauve look anything like Nars Ondine?

  4. no, fauve is a lot darker and more cool toned than ondine. ondine is like a rosewood colour on me, with gold shimmer.


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