Jan 9, 2011

sunday bakery - yummy: coconut-bread

i was really lusting after strawberry jam, then i remembered this delicious coconut bread  and how good it was with jam and dug out the recipe from the depths of my recipe-collection. 
it's a really easy and quick bread/cake and fills your home with delicious buttery coconut smell.
this is soooo good! i'll have to starve for the next few days because of this little carb bomb, but it's worth it!

this is what you'll need:
100g butter
100g sugar
2 eggs
100ml coconut milk
100g sour cream
50g coconut flakes
250g flour
2 teaspoons baking powder

  • pre-heat the oven to 175°C (convection oven 150°C, gas 2nd level)
  • whip the butter and the sugar with the hand mixer until it's foamy
  • add the eggs, coconut milk, sour cream and coconut flakes and stir
  • mingle the baking powder with the flour and stir it into the dough
  • fill the dough into a buttered loaf pan (26cm long)
  • put it into the oven and bake it for about 1 hour (don't forget the wooden-skewer test)
  • take the bread out of the pan and leaf it to cool on a cooling rack


1 comment:

  1. Hätte nicht lesen beziehungsweise die Bilder anschauen dürfen. Jetzt hab ich Gelüste nach Süßem! Sieht wirklich extrem lecker aus.
    Bin dann mal ein weiteres Stück Apfelkuchen essen... ;-) Vielen Dank dafür.


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